A comprehensive on-line database for customizing your ads by adding local
signatures, without changing the ad format, then distributing digital
files to the appropriate publications. AdManager gives you full autonomy
to work with your current vendors or establish new resources-or work with
a combination of both.
With the Internet-based AdManager toolkit you can:
Offer an unlimited number and style of ad templates.
Convert your original ad designs to on-line templates.
Provide seamless Internet-based access by your channel partners through
your website.
Create and traffic customized ads on-line: Channel partners can select
images and headlines, add copy to preset templates, and upload logos
and/or images to preset specifications.
Control your brand, maintain brand integrity: All designs conform
with your corporate branding guidelines.
Resize ads on-line: Instantly change ad layout to conform with any
publication’s specifications.
Select an on-screen proof, desktop printable jPeg or high-res PDF
X/1-A, and order a high-end industry-standard contract proof.
Browser-based platform makes an independent ad production tool available
to any channel partner.
Simplify ad production and fulfillment: Single-click ad distribution,
industry-standard file formats, easy ad reprint ordering, flexible billing
will full Internet security.